About Lydia

Location:  Fannin County Coroner’s Meeting Room, Blue Ridge, GA (Established on September 11, 2009) Monthly Meeting is on 2nd Thursday of each month.

Mrs. Lydia Dockery Long, a native of Fannin County, GA, grew up in the North Georgia mountains. Following her graduation, she married her husband Aaron K. Long, Jr. of 27 years. They worked within their own business “Long’s Arts and Crafts” for 20 years, traveling the nation selling their handcrafted and hand painted woodcrafts. Following the nation’s tragedy on Sept. 11, 2001, and the economy plummeting afterwards, the couple was forced to suspend their business. Within a few short years, she watched her world completely collapse with the passing of her husband, leaving her widowed and on her own for the first time. In time, Lydia established her own cleaning service.

Her faith in Jesus Christ led her into full time intercessory prayer. In 2004, she began corporate intercessory prayer meetings at her home church World Harvest Church North. After five years she started Awake America Prayer Meetings as the coordinator. Continuing to be led by the Holy Spirit, she sought to promote the growth of community prayer in new locations. “My goal is for America to awaken to the move of the Holy Spirit in these troublesome days we are living in like never before.”  Additionally, Lydia is a songwriter, pianist, and sings with the church’s praise team.

One of Lydia’s greatest gifts is to mobilize leaders and citizens to unify in prayer. Also, she mentors youths and strives to impress upon them the importance of time alone with God and communing with Him daily. Her personal quote is: “Good things come to those who wait… great things come to those who wait on God.”

Lydia’s favorite scripture is  Ephesians 3:20-21: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen